Friday, February 13, 2015

2015 Emerald Necklace Specifics

Our investigative journalists have discovered the following information, to further inspire you to participation:

"On the short tour, cyclists will stop at OBT near Esri, Downtown Redlands near the Alley/Parkway, and over to OBT at Grove.  They will pick up the long tour route there.

Tastes include Chez Sabine, Martha Green’s, Joe Greensleeves, Oscars

The long route will stop at STNS, then Wild Oaks Farm in Live Oak Canyon, then Oakmont Park, and finally Overcrest before joining in at OBT near Grove.

They will have tastes from Olive Ave Market, Augies, Angus McCurdy’s, Chez Sabine, Redlands Slow Food, 3 sisters farm

Everyone then heads for Hangar, the Bluffs Trail, Ritual, SB County Museum, Escape, and back to Heritage Park.

All will have Watercress (Thai), Stell, Bon Appetit, Brewcakes, Lounge 22, a la minute, Boomshakalaka, Chef Christie, The Dregs, and of course, the beer at Escape, Hangar, and Ritual. " - Field agent KB

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