Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Semi-Official Goathead Cleanup Day - Sunday April 27th

We did this two years ago and it was a GREAT success. The Carriage Trail has been nearly goathead free ever since Fall 2012!!! We're setting our sites on Oakmont Park's trail system this spring, particularly the lower stretch of trail leading to Live Oak Canyon Rd.

RICO meeting.jpeg by cyclotourist

Right now, this trail is getting a lot of use (!!!), but that's going to be end quickly if these immature plants put out their seeds. This is also an integral portion of the Redlands Strada Rossa route, a subject near and dear to me! It has maybe a quarter mile section of serious infestation. If it isn't addressed immediately, these plants will start producing hundreds of thousands of little caltrops. It will become unrideable at that point. Not good for anybody if that happens!

So, we'll be meeting at Oakmont Park at 7:00 to get an early start. The weather should cooperate and not heat up very quickly. Hopefully throw in a nice ride after the work is done??? Claw hammers work really good for pulling out the plants by the root. Bring gloves as well, as there are sure to be goatheads about.

Here's Oakmont Park in case you're not sure.

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